#HereToo History




Shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL takes 17 lives. #NeverAgain and MFOL movements are born.


Jimmy and Barb go to Marjorie Stoneman Douglas HS to work with theater students and teacher Melody Herzfeld.


Jimmy and Barb invited to The Orchard Project “project accelerator” to launch #HereToo with OP “Core Company” college students from around the country.


Interviews are conducted with youth activists from around the United States.



Penn State BA program in Theatre Studies pilots the first #HereToo residency supported by the Arts & Design Research Incubator and lead by Jeanmarie Higgins, Project Dramaturg.


Western Washington University three-day residency to prepare for Western Summer Theatre workshop production.


#HereToo-Penn State residency and in-process showing with the BA in Theatre Studies at Penn State University in State College, PA.

August - October

#HereToo-WWU, Western Summer Theatre, Bellingham, WA followed by a full production at WWU, directed by co-lead deviser Rich Brown, professor of Acting and Movement at WWU.



#HereToo-WWU performance at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival - Regionals - in Fort Collins, CO.


Selections from #HereToo presented at New York City’s “Marlene Meyerson Jewish Community Center”, in partnership with Tectonic Theater Project.


#HereToo residencies and premieres continue at colleges, universities and theaters throughout the United States.

Image description: Three actors are on stage in front of a purple lighted projection with an image of an assault weapon on top. One actor is sitting, wearing an old-timey military jacket and the other two actors sit at a table.

Image description: Three actors are on stage in front of a purple lighted projection with an image of an assault weapon on top. One actor is sitting, wearing an old-timey military jacket and the other two actors sit at a table.